Campaign: Protection of sponsored girl-children from Female Genital Mutilation
We are glad to welcome you on our campaign website!
We would like to offer you the opportunity to support the abandonment of violence and harm against children - without the need to invest a single cent.
Simply say STOP to the denial of protection from female genital mutilation that affects up to 400.000 sponsored girls from WorldVision, PLAN International, Kindernothilfe and ChildFund!
Please join and raise your voice for broad, lasting and measurable protection of these girls, please sign here the prepared petition-letters. If until now, you have been sponsoring a child with one of the mentioned organisations, you can increase the emphasis of this demand - by "freezing" your sponsorship until the organisations change their policy and implement the appropriate protection measures. Just enter the name and number of your sponsored child into the prepared spaces of the letters.
Please, find out more about the campaign here:
Do you empathize with distressed and suffering children in developing countries? Do you wish that each single child could get a chance for a better life? Therefore, you think about sponsoring a child in a developing country? Such as provided by organisations like PLAN International, WorldVision, Kindernothilfe (in Germany) or Children's fund CCF / ChildFund Germany? Or do you already donate 300,- to 360,- EURO/Dollars per year for a sponsored child to one of the mentioned organisations?
In that case, you should have a careful look:
Look at the Campaign Motives
Illustration:Christian Scharfenberg/Becker Illustrations | Tel.: +49 - (0) - 40 43 18 99 07
Interview with Max Ray Ibrango:
In January 2010, Max Ray Ibrango decided to join our campaign to support our call for consequent protection of sponsored girls from female genital mutilation. In his country of origin, Burkina Faso, Max belongs to the Top-Jazz musicians and received an award for the best Jazz performance in 2007. For many years, Max has been engaged in the efforts to end the violence of female genital mutilation in his home country. Annually since 2006, he has been participating in the “Human-Rights-Weeks” in Burkina Faso where he heads discussions, reflections and presentations at schools and universities. In his songs, Max demands: "Lets stand up – lets fight female genital mutilation" (Pagba boango kiesgo, 2007) and states very clearly: "It’s a human massacre…It’s a form of male’s domination on women…No one has the right to oppress a woman…" (Arreter l’excision, 2007).
Here you can read more about Max’s decision to support this campaign.
Watch here his video "Pagba Boango Kiesgo":
Pagba Boango Biesgo
Here his video "Arreter l'excision":
Arreter l'excision
Bafing Kul supports the campaign:

About four weeks after the successful start of the campaign, the Malien artist Befing Kul (Appolo Reggae), found the website by coincidence. The goal and approaches of the campaign exited him so much that he decided to support the campaign. The singer is well aware about the problem of female genital mutilation, from his homeland Mali. "This is one of the worst form of violence perpetrated against women and children" he states. Aldready in 1998, he published the song "Demystification" in Mali. This song denounces female genital mutilation and turned the Islamists so much against him that in 2002, he had to flee to Paris. In 2004, he presented his second song against female genital mutilation to the public: "Exciser c'est pas bon" which has been relaunched at his new Album "Yelen " la Lumière " the light", also in English: "Little girls from Africa". Today, Bafing angrily claims: "There have been enough empty words. Time is overdue to act!" For the rights of women and girls, he is not only committed within his music. For instance in April '09, he spoke at the European parliament in Brussels for the protection of girls from female genital mutilation. Read
more about his decision to support this campaign:

Bafing Kul's New Album "Yelen - La Lumière - The Light"
Listen - for an end of female genital mutilation
The actor, author and dubbing speaker Martin Umbach
has lent his great voice to the touching Radio Spot of the campaign. This spot has been produced by the well known Studio Funk in Hamburg
Listen (in German)Here you can read Martin's opinion about the concern of this campaign